Mike battles the onslaught of yet another bout with the plague. At the same time, we react live to Elon buying Twitter, Gitlab kicking off some free accounts, and we discover Google and Apple are working together again to pull the rug on app developers.
We revel in the hypocrisy of big tech, share a few stories, and catch up with an old friend.
The broader software problem the Log4Shell vulnerability reveals, and the story of how Chris lit his Coder robe on fire... While wearing it.
As Python 2's demise draws near we reflect on Python's popularity, the growing adoption of static typing, and why the Python 3 transition took so long. Plus Apple's audacious app store tactics, Google's troubles with Typescript, and more!
Mike rekindles his youthful love affair with Emacs and we debate what makes a "10x engineer".
The gangs all together and cover your poignant feedback right out of the gate. Then we jump into the psychological trap of freelancing, and imagine a world where app stores are a true level playing field.
Mike breaks down the drama around nullable reference types in C# 8.0, and we debate what it means for the future of the language.
Mike is the extreme laptop killer, with a tale you’ll have to hear to believe. With only a few short hours left on a deadline, it was 24 hours of chaos.